eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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limit object tracking object size #361

Open BhavitChhatralia opened 5 years ago

BhavitChhatralia commented 5 years ago

is it possible to set a size limit on the objects found via object tracking for the object being found in the haar cascade?

e.g. OpenCV allows for minimum and maximum size of a object as parameters, is this possible to be implemented into the object tracking for tracking.js?

BhavitChhatralia commented 5 years ago

Have put a round about solution: {
                    if(rect.width >= 50 || rect.height >= 50){


but i want to implement a set max object size limit on into the tracking.js code however, i'm not too sure how to go about doing so as there's no indicaiton of size limiting in the violajones function at all.