edubkendo / atom-racer

Intelligent code completion for Rust in the Atom Editor. Requires Racer.
MIT License
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Not working on Windows 8.1x64 #45

Closed brakmic closed 8 years ago

brakmic commented 8 years ago

Because I use a similar Rust Sublime-plugin I've tried to use this one to see if I could replace Sublime completely with Atom :smile:

My Racer is installed under c:\bin\racer\racer.exe and the Rust sources are located under a separate disk: d:\src\rust\rust-master\src

Also I've executed "apm install racer" directly after the plugin installation.

However, neither the code completion nor F3 seem to be working at all.

There are no other active plugins because I wanted to use Atom for Rust only.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

Here are my settings:


alkama commented 8 years ago

Hello !

As stated in the readme.


1- Ensure you have the Atom package language-rust installed and active.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

This is the plugin I mentioned above. I've installed language-rust package and thereafter the racer plugin. rust2

alkama commented 8 years ago

Hum, reread your first post and couldnt see no mention of "language-rust" (not to be confused with our "racer" package. As both are required.

Have you checked the developer console to see if any error arises?

If not, you'll probably have to insert console.log("here") to see where the plugin stops working.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the confusion.

There are no errors in the console (developer tools). But there's one interesting fact: when I start to type in a name of a namespace, let's say "std", the code completion window appears for a few milliseconds and disappeares again. The same behavior I couldn't reproduce by typing in commands/macros like "println" etc. Only when I start to type in something that contains a double colon.

Maybe I'm seeing ghosts or assuming totally wrong things but this is the only code completion I can reach so far.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

Here's a screenshot. I must correct myself: the code completion disappears only when I type in more than two letters. For example, here I typed in only "st" and not "std". As soon as I type in the "d" the window is gone. It seems the keywords can be code-completed but not macros, namespaces etc.


alkama commented 8 years ago

hum, since you actually see racer's results, this is probably not something from our plugin... Maybe a bug with Autocomplete+ (which is a core package now) ? Our plugin is just providing suggestions for it, it doesnt handle the keystrokes and suggestions display themselves.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

There's another behavior: When I type in std:: and then press SPACE for a few times a selection list appears. Well it could be really a bug somewhere else.


HybridEidolon commented 8 years ago

There's definitely something wrong on Windows. Completions don't work at all most of the time here, there's no console logging, nothing. On Mac it mostly works fine.

brakmic commented 8 years ago

After I've installed racer v1.0 the problem disappeared.

perlun commented 8 years ago

@brakmic or @edubkendo - please close this, since the problem seems to be resolved since long.