It is widely used practise to create own cache on app end to avoid querying API endpoint on every case. This is where rate limiting practices are pushing app / service developers. Are we going to mention this in some part of the guide lines? When not to use app cache and when it might make sense in context of national service architecture?
Keeping in mind that message that has been pushed to field is that you get the information from one source and one source only. Creating app/service specific caches would contradict with this.
It is widely used practise to create own cache on app end to avoid querying API endpoint on every case. This is where rate limiting practices are pushing app / service developers. Are we going to mention this in some part of the guide lines? When not to use app cache and when it might make sense in context of national service architecture?
Keeping in mind that message that has been pushed to field is that you get the information from one source and one source only. Creating app/service specific caches would contradict with this.