eduramiba / webcam-capture-driver-native

Native driver for Webcam Capture API
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What about Libgdx OGL Texture support ? #1

Open eix128 opened 3 years ago

eix128 commented 3 years ago

It would be good to see Libgdx support with direct opengl textures and LibGDX Textures for performance. We can also use opengl shaders directly to webcam with that.

Some people prefer JOGL. I had example for that i will post you if you want.

eduramiba commented 3 years ago

It would be nice LWJGL rendering using the buffer data directly. I have a graph engine but not sure how to render images.

ennerf commented 1 year ago

In JavaFX you can use the PixelBuffer API and call updateBuffer(obj -> null) when the native data changes. Updating/viewing the image is negligible compared to the work needed for decoding.

i-make-robots commented 9 months ago

@eix128 do you mean (a) webcam could directly create a Texture for jogamp to use?
(b) read from a Texture and make it available as though it was a webcam stream?

I've spent the last week working to get (a) in my app.