App where users can save and categorize their favorite recipes. Include features like meal planning, grocery lists, and the ability to share recipes with friends.
This epic allows users to create, edit, view, and delete recipes within the recipe organizer application.
DoD ā
UI Completeness:
[ ] A user-friendly form is provided where users can input recipe name, ingredients, steps, and upload an optional image.
[ ] An "Edit" option is available on the recipe detail page, which leads to a pre-populated form with the current recipe details.
[ ] A recipe detail page displays all recipe information, including the image (if provided), in a clear and readable format.
[ ] A clear "Delete" button is available on the recipe detail page, prompting the user with a confirmation dialog to avoid accidental deletion.
Input Validation:
[ ] Input fields are validated to ensure required fields (e.g., recipe name) are filled out, and error messages are displayed for missing or incorrect data
Data Storage:
[ ] Recipe data is saved to the database, including images, without any data loss or duplication.
[ ] After recipe update changes are saved in the database without creating duplicate entries or losing existing data.
[ ] Upon confirmation, the recipe is removed from the database and the recipe list is updated to reflect the removal immediately.
[ ] Recipe details are fetched from the database without any significant delay, and the information is displayed correctly.
Error Handling:
[ ] Errors during recipe creation/editing(e.g., missing fields, invalid inputs) are handled gracefully with clear error messages.
[ ] Users are notified with clear error messages if the recipe details cannot be loaded (e.g., server or data fetching issues).
[ ] Users are informed if the deletion fails (e.g. server issues), and the recipe remains in the list until the deletion is successful.
[ ] Only authenticated users can view/update/create and delete recipe.
[ ] Complete unit and integration tests cover all key authentication flows.
[ ] User acceptance testing confirms that the entire user authentication experience is seamless and meets user expectations.
Description š
This epic allows users to create, edit, view, and delete recipes within the recipe organizer application.
DoD ā
UI Completeness:
Input Validation:
Data Storage:
Error Handling:
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