Open ysm-coder opened 4 years ago
The TornadoFX-ControlsFX integration is far from completed, contributions are welcomed :)
I would realy like to contribute but Im lacking the experience. Not only do I have nearly 0 experience with git(hub), but also my only knowledge about javafx is the super usefull tornadofx manual. the function I wrote in the top works, as mentioned it was blindly copied from the tornadofx function (which I found thx to the ide) and changed by blindly adding "check/Check" at the beginning of any "tree/Tree". More an act of desperace which worked for me suprisingly (after I realised that I just had to find a workaround that doesnt use populate). Somebody could copy and past it from my comment somewhere in git to add it I guess.
But if its not completly supported yet, why does CheckTreeView have a checkbox at: ? That was missleading me so I thought I was doing something wrong.
You missing an import of tornadofx.controlsfx.*
So you example should be as following:
import javafx.scene.control.TreeView
import org.controlsfx.control.CheckTreeView
import tornadofx.*
import tornadofx.controlsfx.*
class ExampleView : View("My View") {
lateinit var tv :TreeView<Any>
lateinit var ctv :CheckTreeView<Any>
override val root = borderpane {
tv = treeview<Any> { } //Works fine
ctv = checktreeview<Any> { } //Unresolved reference: checktreeview
I think the code example speaks for itself (if not, how do I use CheckTreeView with tornadofx-controlsfx):
Update: If I create this fun (which is a modified version of treeview by me) it seems to work:
Does this mean that tornadofx-controlsfx is missing that function?
Update 2: Well Im now sure that atleast with my workaround, you cant use .populate or .cellFormat { text = } (A workaround for this is it to override toString but still missing populate).