edvinasbartkus / grails-coffeescript-resources

Another CoffeeScript compiler for Grails
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Remove dependency on JCoffeeScript #11

Closed halfbaked closed 12 years ago

halfbaked commented 12 years ago

Hi Edvinas,

I have made a lot of changes. It suited me, but not sure how you feel about it. The changes were mainly prompted by my need to have a newer version of Rhino that was being used by JCoffeeScript.

I have stripped out all the Module stuff as I don't believe it to be required any more - or am I missing something?

Let me know what you think! Thanks for your time, Eamonn

edvinasbartkus commented 12 years ago

I am very sorry for my late response. I had some holidays. But I am really happy for this pull requests. Thanks a lot!

halfbaked commented 12 years ago

Thanks for accepting!