edvinasbartkus / grails-coffeescript-resources

Another CoffeeScript compiler for Grails
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coffeescript.modules regression #21

Open claymccoy opened 11 years ago

claymccoy commented 11 years ago

Some of the older documentation mentions the use of coffeescript.modules in Config.groovy. This does not seem to work with coffeescript-resources 0.3.2 in Grails 2.1.

The resource plugin integration is great in general, but not for everything. I need the power that coffeescript.modules gives me. For example, I need to use something like this to compile my angular tests into javascript so that jsTestDriver could use it.

coffeescript.modules = { angularTests { files "test/unit/coffee/controllersSpec" output "angular/test/unit" } }

I've reverted to version 0.2 because the new functionality doesn't seem to meet my needs. Thanks, Clay

basejump commented 11 years ago

any word on this? I would like this same thing back too.

edvinasbartkus commented 11 years ago

The reason why the coffeescript.modules functionality was created because it was hard to integrate into resources plugin at that time. Now you can define the whole module of coffeescripts file via resources and will get quite the same result? No?

Maybe coffeescript-compiler can be more suitable for your use case?

basejump commented 11 years ago

https://github.com/brian428/grails-coffeescript-compiler-plugin looks like it will work. I did not see that.