Converted the original Adapter implementation to a pluggable adapter implementation (with a narrow interface compared to the previous wide adapter interface). Won't merge this yet until J.J can compare the 2 adapter implementations in the next meeting.
The main classes involved with the adapter are as follows: represents the target interface that parses a request body to a JsonObject represents the default implementation of the target interface takes a RequestParser parameter to parse the request body for the getJsonBody method represents the pluggable adapter that takes 2 delegate functions of type: (a functional interface that takes an Object representing the raw body to parse and returns JsonObject) (a functional interface that takes an APIRequest parameter and converts it to an Object that the RequestParserDelegate can parse, defaults to APIRequest.getBody) creates APIRequests from a HttpServletRequest takes APIRequests, examines their Content-Type and returns a RequestParser implementation suitable for parsing the body to JSON. This implementation can be the default JSON parser or a registered adapter registers the adapters and their associated content types with the RequestParserFactory class. Uses the AdaptersConfigurer Spring Bean allows chaining of calls to register adapters to it. Used by
Converted the original Adapter implementation to a pluggable adapter implementation (with a narrow interface compared to the previous wide adapter interface). Won't merge this yet until J.J can compare the 2 adapter implementations in the next meeting.
The main classes involved with the adapter are as follows: