edwardchalstrey1 / seshat

This is the beginning of the Seshat Project code.
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Further efficiency increases #152

Open edwardchalstrey1 opened 1 month ago

edwardchalstrey1 commented 1 month ago


TODO 6th June


edwardchalstrey1 commented 1 month ago

Bounding box loading idea

What if the initial map view was zoomed in and we load the shapes in the viewed bounding box first (first one year, then across all years), then allow zooming out after it has loaded

edwardchalstrey1 commented 1 month ago

Could we use GeoArrow in Django?

My Q:

Would it be better to/ is it possible to somehow use shape data directly from file, rather than the db. Perhaps the logic in the view should be moved to the data loading command script, creating a new file. Could the new file be in more efficient "GeoArrow" instead of GeoJSON?

Copilot answer:

Apache Arrow (GeoArrow) is a binary format and is not directly readable in a HTML template. You would need to convert it to a format that can be read in the template, such as GeoJSON. Remember, this approach is not recommended for larger files, as it can lead to performance issues. It's generally better to use a view to handle the file and pass only the necessary data to the template.

For using GeoJSON, basically you would go via a view as we are