Closed Arvinds-ds closed 7 years ago
Thanks. Will close this PR and reopen 2 PRs as follows
PR#1 - Compat changes/fix error in data files
PR #2: New features 1.Merge code in download_utils to
Is this ok?
You can keep this PR to do either the compat changes/fix errors or the new features and make only one more PR. We squash and merge pull requests so the commit history is no bother.
Kindly review this PR for compat changes.
Can you add a commit which removes the download features? I can't review the PR for compat changes until then.
You should see only 2 commits for PR1 and PR2
Github doesn't let you pick and choose which commits to merge. For example, I can review "PR1" but merge it only after you remove the "PR2" commit. You need to make a new branch and submit a second PR with only the "PR2" commit.
OK. Got it. Pls review PR1..I will submit PR2 shorlty
Looks good to me!
Addressing few of the issues raised by you to support a) Better progress update giving ETA/Speed b) Human readable size and time c) pause/resume downloads with resume=True option d) hash verification if hash is provided (hash_true option) e) Some fixes in other files (import six missing)
I have created a new file download_utils which has the logic for the above The utils maybe_download_and_extract has two new flags (resume=False & hash_true=None). I have enabled resume=True for LSUN as I faced problems when downloading this dataset and hence the PR