edwardsamuel / google-maps-services-ruby

Ruby gem for Google Maps Web Service APIs
Apache License 2.0
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multiple points is not returned in Roads speed_limits #5

Open vanitu opened 8 years ago

vanitu commented 8 years ago

I've found that Roads api method "speed_limits" returns just one limit, which is only for last placeId in array.

` path=["ChIJvcoGi0CuEmsRiNyOd0yS3jM", "ChIJvcoGi0CuEmsRidyOd0yS3jM", "ChIJVYG98UCuEmsRMIWO5md9ARM"]

@gmaps.speed_limits(path) => [{:placeId=>"ChIJVYG98UCuEmsRMIWO5md9ARM", :speedLimit=>40, :units=>"KPH"}] `

Quick investigation shows that query cut at Hurley stage. As @edwardsamuel is already in process to exchange Hurley inside develop branch. fix is coming.

Proposal do add check on number of retuned locations in Rspec test.