edwardtufte / et-book

A webfont of the typeface used in Edward Tufte’s books.
MIT License
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UFO/OpenType conversion #25

Open dpk opened 3 years ago

dpk commented 3 years ago

In 2015 I forked this repository, converted the files to OpenType format using FontForge and added several nifty OpenType features. At the time, I was modestly satisfied to have this fork for my own use without merging my (rather dramatic changes) upstream. Those who wanted these features could find them in my repo; the original remained here, untouched.

Nearly six years later, I have redone this conversion using a more modern, Git-friendly UFO-based process using Adobe’s open-source AFDKO tools, and this time, I would rather immodestly like to suggest that my version should, when I’ve completed and checked everything, be the new official version of the ET Book open source fonts.

There are a number of issues in this repository’s tracker which either have already been fixed or will be fixed in my version. #19 and some of #20 have been fixed (and as far as #19 is concerned, I intend to make further improvements on kerning later), #21 should be fixed when the fix on #20 is done, and I intend to make a start on #22/#24 soon. Further, as @skosch pointed out in #20, using a UFO-based toolchain would make this project far more contribution-friendly — at the moment, there are no font source files in this main repo which a typical font editor application could edit properly, only completed binaries converted from the original PostScript Type 1 fonts.

There is one stipulation I would add before allowing my branch to be merged into the main upstream repo: that #2 be dealt with. I cannot do this alone as I am (obviously) not the original copyright holder on the fonts, but I am willing to relicense all my own contributions under the OFL if the licence on this repository changes. The MIT licence is extremely unsuitable for fonts and its actual requirements are almost certainly not those which @tufte and his team intended to impose on users of the open-source versions of his fonts. Technically, as it stands, every web page using this font should include a copy of the MIT licence — this has not been enforced and I can’t imagine that it was intended. The OFL has some minor issue, but is the de facto standard for open source font licensing. I would like to repeat @davelab6’s plea and ask the copyright owners of the original fonts (Dmitry Krasny, Bonnie Scranton, and Edward Tufte) to reconsider their choice of licence and use the OFL instead. (There was also a suggestion in #17 to use the GPL with the Font Exception instead. I would possibly be open to doing that; indeed, it may be that I would prefer it to the OFL, but I’m not sure of the exact difference between the two in practice. I’ll await feedback from those more knowledgeable than me.)

This pull request is not yet ready to merge — I’ve opened it to solicit discussion about whether this should happen, and in particular to try to get issue #2 pushed along a bit.

skosch commented 3 years ago

Wow, incredible. This is a massive gift to the community—thank you for this work :slightly_smiling_face:

I, for one, wasn't aware this was under MIT. What an odd choice. I can only assume that the original creators were concerned only with the source files, and didn't consider the binaries to require inclusion of the license text (or perhaps that inclusion in the name table would do). @adamschwartz & @tufte please clarify—the easiest solution is to switch to OFL, which is MIT-in-spirit but tailored to fonts.

@Discordius this PR is the real deal, I'm happy to turn over my bounty to @dpk if this gets merged and solves your problem.

dpk commented 3 years ago

Here’s a quick status update:

And now the bad news: this has been a fun distraction between two exam seasons for me while trying to work off the stress from the first one, but I do have to study for an exam near the end of the month, and I have other (paying) work to do as well. So progress might slow a bit now. I’m good at using projects like this to procrastinate other things, though 🙈, so it definitely won’t grind completely to a halt ;-)

dpk commented 3 years ago

Gaaaack. If you rename a branch in GitHub, it thinks (for the purposes of pull requests) that you deleted it. I guess I’m stuck with the 2.0 branch in my fork until this gets merged here 🤦🏼‍♀️

dpk commented 3 years ago

An alternative solution to the licence problem just occurred to me. The fonts have copyright metadata (which atm I’ve left unchanged). It would satisfy the requirements of the MIT licence to put the licence text into that metadata field — as long as WOFF and WOFF2 converters (including subsetters) don’t strip that field out to save bandwidth. As long as that’s true, everyone who uses the font on the web etc. complies with the letter of the licence without having to take any further steps.

As the licence text is rather long, a link to e.g. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT in this field would also loosely satisfy the requirement that the copyright and licence notice be included with the font. It would comply with the spirit of the licence, even if not the letter (and there are, of course, open-source projects (mainly smaller ones) which put themselves under a licence just by linking to the text).

Then we just have to bikeshed the exact form of the copyright string. E.g.

Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Dmitry Krasny, Bonnie Scranton, Edward Tufte, and contributors. Licence: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

dpk commented 2 years ago

My work on the font has stalled again, but it looks like the first outing for the new đ character will be in my current term paper for university — and not in Croatian but in (an older reconstruction of) Proto-Indo-European!

Screenshot 2021-09-21 at 11 50 16

(Don’t be confused by the other funny characters — they’re mostly bodged together in TeX from the other accent marks that are available in ET Book already. The superscript w is just a superscript w, and the gamma is from GFS Porson (which works well as a drop-in to mix with the italic, don’t you find?).)

I hope I’ll be able to get back to work on the font in mid-October maybe, but after my current uni stress is over, the next semester starts right away, so maybe not. Let’s see.

skosch commented 2 years ago

Nice! I was just about to ask about the gamma – it looks great!

inklesspen commented 1 year ago

@dpk in your opinion, is this branch currently suitable for use as a webfont for English-language content?

dpk commented 1 year ago

Probably, yes: if you install all the dependencies (which aren’t documented, sigh, but just install anything that looks like it’s missing) and run make woff woff2, you should get reasonably hinted (through ttfautohint, tested with FreeType though not on Windows) fonts with ‘good enough’ support for English.

Caveats to this:

adamschwartz commented 1 year ago

@dpk Would you recommend I merge it? You’ve done so much great work here. I’m happy to defer to you. (And thank you!)

dpk commented 1 year ago

I ideally wanted to significantly improve language support, which is currently the main sticking point, but I guess an interim release without that would be okay.

I would like to fix the issue with the double dagger and single guillemets, and fix the other two issues under the 2.0 milestone. https://github.com/dpk/et-book/milestone/1 The copyright metadata one should be fairly easily; I’m not sure how much work it will be to stop makeotf’s warnings. Double dagger is designed in roman and italic, it just needs bold and semibold. Correct single guillemets are in the roman only.

The other issue not mentioned there is the fate of the Display Italic font. It seems very sad on its own – is there perhaps a corresponding Display Roman that wasn’t released here? I’ve considered just ditching it as it seems odd to have an optical display size for an italic only.

dpk commented 1 year ago

Oh, and it needs a new gh-pages build.