edwindj / whisker

{{mustache}} for R
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impossible to use named sections when key is unknown #30

Open bjoernhommel opened 4 years ago

bjoernhommel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for a great package. R really needs a good templating engine.

If the names of hash$people are unknown, there appears to be now way of accessing the data in it's children.


hash <- list(
  people = list(
    a = list(
      first = "john",
      last = "johnsson"
    b = list(
      first = "peter",
      last = "petersson"
    c = list(
      first = "steve",
      last = "stevesson"
  stuff = c(1:5)

template <- "
<h1>Hello {{first}}</h1>

result <- whisker::whisker.render(template = template, data = hash)

Link to stackoverflow.