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Social Media - Rabindranath Tagore Post on May 7th #81

Closed kautilyabo closed 3 years ago

kautilyabo commented 3 years ago

"The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence."

Post Content : In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore was the first non-European to win a Nobel Prize in Literature for his poetry collection titled, 'Gitanjali' which is originally written in Bengali and later translated into English. He is also referred to as "the Bard of Bengal".

Happy Rabindranath Tagore Jayanti !!

literature #poetry #education #highereducation #Tagore #polymath

highered #college #teaching #students #university #nobelprize

pandemic #staysafe

Rabindranath.png Rabindranath_v2.png

kautilyabo commented 3 years ago

Post Deployed : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/edwisely_nobelprize-tagore-literature-activity-6796292079057301504-ko8S