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Add distributed tracing for event-bus-kafka and Datadog #758

Open timmc-edx opened 1 month ago

timmc-edx commented 1 month ago

Datadog does not automatically connect the event bus's producer and consumer traces. If we want this sort of distributed tracing, we'll need to add it ourselves.

Implementation notes

Datadog Support confirms that there is no automatic support for connecting the producer's trace to the spans that come out of the consumer's work. However, we can implement this ourselves if we need it. It's not clear what we get automatically if we enable DD_KAFKA_PROPAGATION_ENABLED and what we get additionally from the custom code they provide as an example (which would be split between edx-django-utils and event-bus-kafka).

Confirming that the functionality difference you've described between NR and DD currently does not exist for us OOTB, and would require some custom code to implement. One of our engineering folks provided this example, using the ddtrace propagator class, and using a manual span to house any post-message processing:

from ddtrace import tracer, config
from ddtrace.propagation.http import HTTPPropagator as Propagator

msg = consumer.poll()

ctx = None
if msg is not None and msg.headers():
    # Extract the distributed context from message headers
    ctx = Propagator.extract(dict(msg.headers()))
with tracer.start_span(
    name="kafka-message-processing", # or whatever name they want from the manual span
    service="their service name", # match their main service name
    child_of=ctx if ctx is not None else tracer.context_provider.active(),
    # do any db or other operations that you want included in the distributed context

One important note here: You'll want to ensure for both producer and consumer services, the following environment variable has been set: DD_KAFKA_PROPAGATION_ENABLED=true. Using this, the trace should include both producer and consumer spans as well as later operation spans.

(It would probably be more appropriate for us to use Span Links but those are only available via the OpenTelemetry integration.)

robrap commented 1 month ago

I'm also curious how this relates to DD Data Streaming?

robrap commented 1 month ago

Marking P4, but unsure if this should be P3, and unsure if the Produce calls are missing information that would be useful to have.