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Cosmonauts: Migrate analytics-api from ElasticSearch to OpenSearch #105

Open UsamaSadiq opened 1 year ago

UsamaSadiq commented 1 year ago


Further Context

Further details and context on the issue can be found on https://github.com/openedx/public-engineering/issues/16

schenedx commented 1 year ago

This is already complete. The Cosmonauts team determined the Learner Analytics view on insights service was not a feature justifying its cost. Therefore the view was removed. The Elastic Search instances supporting that view was also removed. There is no longer a connection between Insights analytics data with ElasticSearch. The only tail of this work is that, there are still references of ES in edx-analytics-data-api repository. That work is tracked with https://2u-internal.atlassian.net/browse/MST-1851. This issue should be moved to Done column