edzillion / blood-n-guts

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Tokens go Invisible #269

Open GambetTV opened 3 years ago

GambetTV commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug After your latest update every time we enter a new map, all character tokens are invisible 9 times out of 10. Refreshing fixes it, but it shouldn't happen.

Versions (please complete the following information):

MrTranscended commented 3 years ago

Same issue, same versions, same results. Except that my entire maps are blanked until I refresh the screen. My remote players experience the same issues as well.

oOve commented 3 years ago

Experiencing the same. No error messages in the console. I have several other modules active at the same time, but tried disabling them one by one to no luck. Disabling the Blood 'n Guts module fixes this issue.

BrotherSharper commented 3 years ago

I second this, the tokens don't actually go invisible, they end up on impossible coordinates and totally skewed

Bekradan commented 3 years ago

Same hear as well. Did find that if you refresh the Fog of war all the token reappear. Hopefully that's a bit of a workaround until it gets fixed.