edzillion / blood-n-guts

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Dark Heresy Inverted Wounds #278

Open bluecm325 opened 3 years ago

bluecm325 commented 3 years ago

As part of updates, the Dark Heresy system has inverted the method used to track Wounds for the purposes of automated damage application.

With the current version of Blood-n-Guts module, Wounds are tracked "counting down": Starting at maximum Wounds is completely healthy (no bleeding splats applied), and being at 0 Wounds applies the bleeding spats.

However, this is the opposite of what the Dark Heresy system now expects for damage calculation: Characters start a 0 Wounds as fully healthy, and as they accumulate Wounds they are more hurt, until their Wounds hit the Max, at which point they take Critical Damage. After enough Critical Damage (usually at 7+) the character dies.

Can the Dark Heresy system implementation be updated to accommodate this "inverted" method of Wound tracking?

current wounds 0 (should be healthy)

current wounds max (should be bleeding)