edzillion / blood-n-guts

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Shadowrun 5E Support #282

Open ksignorini opened 3 years ago

ksignorini commented 3 years ago

What system would you like blood-n-guts to support? Shadowrun 5E

Provide a link to the system's repo https://github.com/smilligan93/SR5-FoundryVTT

Additional notes Damage is in reverse. There are two types of damage: Stun and Physical. Stun does not need Blood & Guts. Only Physical should cause Blood & Guts. Note: When the Physical track fills up, a third track called Overflow opens up (much smaller track). Character is not dead until Overflow is full. Also note, some NPCs ("grunts") only have Physical + Overflow tracks and no Stun track at all. (It's all pretty simple when you look at it.)

Great Add-on! We use it all the time in our D&D 5e game and would love to use it in our Shadowrun 5E game! Keep up the great work.