edzillion / blood-n-guts

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[feature request] Vaesen compatibility #33

Closed edzillion closed 3 years ago

edzillion commented 4 years ago


  advantage: ""
  attribute: {…}
    empathy: Object { label: "ATTRIBUTE.EMPATHY", value: 0 }
    logic: Object { label: "ATTRIBUTE.LOGIC", value: 0 }
    physique: Object { label: "ATTRIBUTE.PHYSIQUE", value: 0 }
    precision: Object { label: "ATTRIBUTE.PRECISION", value: 0 }   
  bio: Object { age: "", archetype: "", motivation: "", … }
  capital: 0
  condition: {…}
    mental: Object { isBroken: false, states: {…} }
    physical: Object { isBroken: true, states: {…} }
  experience: 0
  memento: ""
  note: ""
  resources: 0
  skill: Object { agility: {…}, closeCombat: {…}, force: {…}, … }
edzillion commented 3 years ago

Vaesen has no hp type stat and only has conditions. It would be possible to override getDamageSeverity() but that would require some major changes to the way system compatibility works.