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GET_HOMOLOGUES: a versatile software package for pan-genome analysis
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Trouble creating ANI heatplot #78

Closed TommyH-Tran closed 3 years ago

TommyH-Tran commented 3 years ago

I created the ANI heatplot about 3 months ago, and now I am trying to recreate the plot so I can edit the figure some. However, the output file does not create any image. Is there something I can do fix this?

Here is the input and output code.

(base) tommy@DESKTOP-D59L9FO:/mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues$ ./ -i "/mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues/Cpro_homologues/" -d 2 -t "C. pro ANI Matrix" -o tiff

############################################################################################## vv1.0.4_31Jan18 run started at 2021_07_29-13.34.26 working directory : /mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues input tab_file : /mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues/Cpro_homologues/ | sim_cutoff : 100 | max_decimals : 2 subset_matrix : 0 | regex : text:C. pro ANI Matrix|margin_hor:18|margin_vert:18|points:15 angle:45|charExp:1.0|right_margin:10 width:15|height:10|outformat:tiff reorder_clusters:1|remove_colnames:0|key_xaxis:Value|do_bioNJ:0 k:


Plotting file /mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues/Cpro_homologues/prokka1274CJEI_f0_0taxa_CDS_algOMCL_e0_Avg_identity_heatmap.tiff Error in : figure margins too large Calls: heatmap.2 ... image -> image.default -> plot -> plot.default -> Error in par(op) : invalid value specified for graphical parameter "pin" Calls: heatmap.2 -> par Execution halted

file /mnt/c/Users/12542/Downloads/get_homologues/Cpro_homologues/prokka1274CJEI_f0_0taxa_CDS_algOMCL_e0_Avg_identity_heatmap.tiff was produced

ERROR: file ANDg_meand_silhouette_width_statistic_plot.tiff was NOT produced!

file ./ANDg_hc_plot_cut_at_mean_silhouette_width_k4.svg was produced

brunocontrerasmoreira commented 3 years ago

Hi @TommyH-Tran , so this script worked 3 months ago but not now, is that it? Please share your input file so I can reproduce the error, Bruno

TommyH-Tran commented 3 years ago

It won't let me upload the .tab format of a file here. So I have emailed it to you @brunocontrerasmoreira

brunocontrerasmoreira commented 3 years ago

Hi, the script works just fine in my system with R4.1.0 and changing -o tiff to -o pdf

While that TIFF is currently not supported by the script, it might not be difficult to tweak the R code so that it works. Let us know how that goes, Bruno