eecheng87 / ESCA

Effective System Call Aggregation
MIT License
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Enforce code consistency #15

Open jserv opened 2 years ago

jserv commented 2 years ago

ESCA was just a hack at the very beginning. However, it has been public for evaluation purpose, and we should enforce source code consistency. Here are the general rules:

  1. No camel case is allowed: Always follow the similar style used in Linux kernel source.
  2. Add comments in system call wrapper implementation: Explain the reason why we would perform Interpositioning.
  3. Minimize the number of symbol exposure. Declare variables/functions with static modifier for inner symbols. In addition, we might make use of GCC Visibility to hide unintended symbols.
  4. Add high level descriptions in
jserv commented 2 years ago

Since the user functions provided by ESCA would be invoked in existing projects such as nginx, we should use the prefix esca_ for public APIs. That is, batch_start would be renamed to something prefixing with esca_.