eecs280staff / tutorials

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GitHub Access #97

Closed awdeorio closed 1 year ago

awdeorio commented 1 year ago

The Version Control tutorial doesn't cover how to authenticate so that you can write to a repo. For that, you need either SSH keys or a GitHub Access token. I think that most students will find Access Tokens easier.

In office hours today, I had a student run into this problem. Furthermore, she needed to use the "classic token" to get it to work, not the "fine-grain token".

TheOmid commented 1 year ago

I wrote a rough draft for the tutorial. I decided to make the main section about personal access tokens because I also think students will find it easier. SSH option is presented as an alternative if they are curious (using GitHub's tutorial, but if needed, I can write it up). The main reason I did not write both tutorials is I thought if we present students with two viable options, then they have to make an arbitrary choice. This will just make them further confused. I also did not like the format when I wrote up the SSH portion (because there will be two authentication sections before connect local repo to remote).