eecs485staff / madoop

A light weight MapReduce framework for education
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

Decentralized Group #47

Open jaredzh opened 2 years ago

jaredzh commented 2 years ago

Madoop should also have the "group" stage decentralized across map and reduce stages similar to EECS 485 project 4.

awdeorio commented 2 years ago

It already is! Or at least, it's supposed to be. Could you point out where it differs?

jaredzh commented 2 years ago

Oh I just meant that currently we are calling a group stage function. I was thinking getting rid of that and just have map stage and reduce stage.

awdeorio commented 2 years ago

Oh, I see. So this would be more of a refactor. I think that's reasonable.

awdeorio commented 2 years ago

Make sure this is consistent with