I came here because I care about having typesafe config 1.3.x in sbt (https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/4011). It seems it used to be blocked by gigahorse -> ssl-config 0.2.x -> typesafe-config 1.2.x. dependency.
ssl-config-core 0.3.7 depends on typesafe config 1.3.3.
There's a newer version available (0.4.0), but it wasn't published for Scala 2.10.
I came here because I care about having typesafe config 1.3.x in sbt (https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/4011). It seems it used to be blocked by gigahorse -> ssl-config 0.2.x -> typesafe-config 1.2.x. dependency.
ssl-config-core 0.3.7 depends on typesafe config 1.3.3.
There's a newer version available (0.4.0), but it wasn't published for Scala 2.10.