When I run sbt (version 1.10.1) , I get the following warnings:
jarjar-abrams/build.sbt:21: warning: value IntegrationTest in trait LibraryManagementSyntax is deprecated (since 1.9.0): Create a separate subproject for testing instead
jarjar-abrams/build.sbt:22: warning: lazy value itSettings in object Defaults is deprecated (since 1.9.0): Create a separate subproject instead of using IntegrationTest and in addition avoid using itSettings
jarjar-abrams/build.sbt:41: warning: value IntegrationTest in trait LibraryManagementSyntax is deprecated (since 1.9.0): Create a separate subproject for testing instead
IntegrationTest / fork := true
jarjar-abrams/build.sbt:42: warning: value IntegrationTest in trait LibraryManagementSyntax is deprecated (since 1.9.0): Create a separate subproject for testing instead
IntegrationTest / envVars := Map(
a PR addressing this would be welcome. in the meantime, the warnings aren't actually affecting anything, just notifying you that in some future version of sbt, something may need to be done here
When I run
(version 1.10.1) , I get the following warnings: