[warn] /home/travis/build/eed3si9n/treehugger/library/src/main/scala/treehugger/TreeGen.scala:246: Adaptation of argument list by inserting () is deprecated: leaky (Object-receiving) target makes this especially dangerous.
[warn] signature: Constant.apply(value: Any): Constants.this.Constant
[warn] given arguments: <none>
[warn] after adaptation: Constant((): Unit)
[warn] case UnitClass => Literal(Constant())
[warn] ^
[warn] /home/travis/build/eed3si9n/treehugger/library/src/main/scala/treehugger/TreeGen.scala:262: Adaptation of argument list by inserting () is deprecated: leaky (Object-receiving) target makes this especially dangerous.
[warn] signature: Constant.apply(value: Any): Constants.this.Constant
[warn] given arguments: <none>
[warn] after adaptation: Constant((): Unit)
[warn] if (elems.isEmpty) Literal(Constant())
[warn] ^