eeditiones / tei-publisher-app

The main TEI Publisher app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Log in : can't use eXist-db account 'admin' (with the password as empty) #37

Closed whalekeykeeper closed 1 year ago

whalekeykeeper commented 3 years ago

I use admin as the username without password to log in to the eXist-db app. After launching the TEI-publisher page, I tried to log in with the same username-password pair and failed.

The error message is:Wrong password or invalid user (must be member of group tei).

Though it is said that default user: 'Login to upload files ######or see administrative functions (default user: 'tei-demo', password: 'demo'), I feel it is more convenient and reasonable to allow to use admin without password to log in.

wolfgangmm commented 3 years ago

Currently TEI Publisher indeed requires that the logged in user is a member of group tei. It may make sense to add members of "dba", the group of database admins. I'll look into that.

whalekeykeeper commented 3 years ago

I went to User Manager on the dashboard with logged in as "admin", tried to set "tei-demo" and other users as members of "Member of groups", whenever I clicked save button, the following error occurred: Server responded: 500 - Server Error

tuurma commented 1 year ago

Changing group membership is a dashboard issue, not TEI Publisher.