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pb-browse-docs: sort on modification date returns a request execution error #72

Open emmamorlock opened 3 years ago

emmamorlock commented 3 years ago

There's an error on the demo for <pb-browse-docs> ("passing parameters from a custom form") when one tries to sort the list by "modification date" . The French dialog is "Erreur d’exécution de la requête.: undefined".


I might think it comes from the .html, where the sort options are listed.

sort-options='[{"label": "browse.title", "value": "title"},{"label": "", "value": "author"},{"label": "browse.modificationDate", "value": "default"}]'

the value is 'default' but should be a date of some sort I guess.

On a standalone app, I was able to get it running, but I wasn't able to get a proper date sort (even though I defined the date option as an xs:date in the index.xql... Ex. :

case "date" return
emmamorlock commented 3 years ago


I finally did more testing and must correct the previous post. The error comes from the fact that the value indexed is not a xs:date (or at least a "yyyy-mm-dd" date). "yyyy" or "yyyy-mm" will fail in nav:sort, hence the error message.

Concerning the demo, maybe the indexed value may be checked?

As a dates in @when can be formatted as "yyyy" or "yyyy-mm" as well as "yyyy-mm-dd", this response may not be understood by the user.

To prevent it in my standalone webapp, I just add the following function in index.xql.

declare function idx:formatDate($input as xs:string?) as xs:date? {
        then ()
            let $i := normalize-space(replace($input, '&#160;', ' '))
            let $date := if (matches($i,'^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}).*')) 
                    then xs:date($i) 
                    else if (matches($i,'^(\d{4})$')) then xs:date($i || '-01-01')
                        else if (matches($i,'^(\d{4}-\d{2})$')) then xs:date($i || '-01')
                            else ()
    return $date

Will work only for @when, and there may be stronger ways to handle that.