eeditiones / tei-publisher-vscode

TEI Publisher Extension for Visual Studio Code
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Workspace setting for teipublisher.apiList not recognized #14

Open kthth opened 2 years ago

kthth commented 2 years ago

In a repository, I've stored a .vscode/settings.json file:

    "workbench.colorTheme": "Abyss",
    "teipublisher.endpoint": "",
    "teipublisher.apiList": [
        "name": "places",
        "label": "Orte GND",
        "plugin": "gnd",
        "template": "<placeName ref=\"${id}\">${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}</placeName>"
        "name": "people",
        "label": "Personen GND",
        "plugin": "gnd",
        "template": "<persName ref=\"${id}\">${0:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}</persName>"

colorTheme is there to check instantly whether the settings got picked up. In the VSCode GUI settings editor I can also see that the endpoing got picked up


The apiList settings, however, are not recognized. The template is either the original one that comes with the plugin or things that I define in my global user setting.json. They are not present in the GUI, either.

Any clues?