开源扫雷网是社区共建的扫雷排名网站。在这里,你可以上传扫雷录像参与全球排名;也希望有开发能力的雷友可以发挥专业能力,为网站贡献代码、增加功能。Open minesweeper website is a community-built ranking website for minesweeper. Here, you can upload minesweeper videos to participate in global rankings. We also encourage minesweeper enthusiasts with development skills to contribute and add new features to us.
There is a slightly separate issue, which is that the real name input box on the profile page has max-length="10". This is too short for English names. I think setting the limit to 50 characters would work for almost all names.
There's a bug with using v-model.trim on el-input.
This is a known issue with element-ui and it prevents the user from typing spaces (for example, in the real name field). https://github.com/ElemeFE/element/issues/19165
There is a slightly separate issue, which is that the real name input box on the profile page has max-length="10". This is too short for English names. I think setting the limit to 50 characters would work for almost all names.