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闲聊 #35

Open eeechoo opened 4 years ago

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

eeechoo commented 4 years ago


  1. 如果要使用一个第三方包,首先要查看 第三方包版本 与 python 版本的对应关系,例如在 PyGithub Document Changelog 中有如下一段话:

Version 1.45 (December 29, 2019)
Important !This is the last release of PyGithub that will support Python 2.

由此可以得知,如果项目使用的 python 解释器是 2,那么需要 PyGithub 第三方包是 1.45 版本。

  1. pip 安装指定版本命令 pip install PyGithub==1.45

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

Grafana vs Kibana

The key difference between the two visualization tools stems from their purpose. Grafana is designed for analyzing and visualizing metrics such as system CPU, memory, disk and I/O utilization. ... Kibana, on the other hand, runs on top of Elasticsearch and is used primarily for analyzing log messages.

屏幕快照 2020-07-13 下午5 26 20

compass 对应于罗盘,经常用于 explore 的图标

grafana tutorial

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

macos 下使用命令行工具 如果要打开finder,使用 open ./ 命令

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

gradle 与 sdkman

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

sql 一个表中的数据迁移到另外一张表中 分情况讨论:

  1. A表和B表处于同一个database中
  2. A表和B表处于同一个数据库系统的不同database中
  3. A表和B表处于不同的数据库系统中,例如 Mysql 向 PostgreSQL 迁移

how to select from one table and insert that data into another table insert into new_table(newcolumn1,newcolumn2,newcolumn3 ) select oldcolumn1,oldcolumn2,oldcolumn3 from old_database.old_table

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

时间 2020年7月15号, 刚去看了下美股指数,发现从原来的大跌慢慢爬升到了正常水平,感觉自己错过了一次很好的机会。 上一次错过这样的机会是在中兴受到制裁的时候,股价从40跌到了10,后来接触制裁后从10爬升到了30.

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

Slack 真的非常好用啊 各种插件 fileupload 插件 google calendar插件

感觉有一点国外的软件做的很不错的就是流程的整合,各个app之间互通有无, 国内好像还停留在屏蔽封锁的阶段

eeechoo commented 4 years ago

Pycharm 在 docker 环境中调试

Pycharm 集成 Database 功能

eeechoo commented 4 years ago


eeechoo commented 3 years ago

rm -rf !(keep) #删除keep文件之外的所有文件 rm -rf !(keep1 | keep2) #删除keep1和keep2文件之外的所有文件

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

20万条数据的更新操作,数据库操作大概多久 应该分为带索引和不带索引的情况讨论

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

PyGithub 用来了解github api,github 工作原理,打包发布的流程

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

数据库迁移 每个db用一个连接,每个连接获得一个 cursor,

eeechoo commented 3 years ago


eeechoo commented 3 years ago

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

Python 哪些操作是原子的? python是解释性语言嘛,解释器执行的每一个命令,就是一个原子操作。列表的pop貌似就是。自己看指令吧。

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

docker 桥接模式


eeechoo commented 3 years ago


eeechoo commented 3 years ago

psycopg2 拼写与名字起源: p + syco + pg + 2

psycho definition The definition of a psycho is slang for a crazy or insane person. ... Psycho is defined as mind or mental. An example of psycho used as a prefix is in the word "psychology," which means the study of the mind.

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

python 字符串转时间

import datetime
datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-07-14 07:04:29.574665', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
eeechoo commented 3 years ago



来自concurrent programming 感慨

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

python 多进程 多线程 协程 涉及到 哪些library?

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

linux 命令 cron crontab logrotate

python logging 模块

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

深入理解 RPC Python concurrent.future 使用教程及源码初剖

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

vim :set number

eeechoo commented 3 years ago

python and 的妙用

# suppose that data is a dict and store students info like this 
data =  {} 或者
data = {
    "length": 8,
    "students": [...]
data and data.students
同理 OR 也有同样的用法
error or data