the input FASTA file contains ambiguities (i.e., W, R, K, M, S, Y, B, V, H, D, N); suggested error message "Your input FASTA file contains one or several ambiguities ([list them here]). Please make sure that all your sequences are properly phased and do not contain any ambiguity before running HaplowebMaker".
the input FASTA file contains unrecognised characters other than ambiguities: the only authorized characters in the sequences should be A, T, G, C, a, t, g, c, -. Suggested error message "Your input FASTA file contains one or several unauthorized characters ([list them here])."
Need also to display a warning if one or several sequences in the FASTA file start or end with "-". Suggested warning: "Some of your sequences start with "-" (indel character). Please be aware that HaplowebMaker consider the indel character as a 5th character state, not as missing information."
Need to make display error message if:
Need also to display a warning if one or several sequences in the FASTA file start or end with "-". Suggested warning: "Some of your sequences start with "-" (indel character). Please be aware that HaplowebMaker consider the indel character as a 5th character state, not as missing information."