eeholmes / earthdata-cloud-cookbook

A tutorial book of workflows for research using NASA EarthData in the Cloud created by the NASA-Openscapes team
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problem with raster, terra etc when using the devcontainer base image #4

Open eeholmes opened 5 months ago

eeholmes commented 5 months ago


In an image with


as the base image. We were unable to load spatial packages (installed via install.r).


> library(raster)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘raster’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
 unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/terra/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The file that it cannot open changes. and were common.


Switched to

FROM rocker/geospatial:4.2

to get it to work. Note install.R has rgdal which is deprecated. Maybe that is the issue? Need to test wo that.

to test

Use in 'bring your image' and then install some spatial packages and see if problem persists. Or slowly add packages to install.R and see when the problem appears.

eeholmes commented 5 months ago

Ok just using FROM rocker/geospatial:4.2 didn't work. Probably has some set-up we need to run the RStudio server. Got this error when I clicked the RStudio button. image

cboettig commented 5 months ago

@eeholmes yup all correct.

RUN /rocker_scripts/

Or optionally install bleeding edge GDAL libraries using

RUN /rocker_scripts/experimental/

as in . The former option is much "safer" -- the latter option means R packages that bind GDAL (terra, sf, gdalcubes) must be built from source, and it's easy to accidentally install/upgrade one of those as binaries on the dev_osgeo flavor, so probably better to stick with whenever possible.

Re Codespaces -- yup, I think that's right. We can probably figure out a similar 'opt-in' script to make it easier to add the stuff that is in the devcontainer flavor on an arbitrary image. Just need to take a closer look at what's needed there.

eeholmes commented 5 months ago

We installed raster, terra, etc in install.R but we still got the error. Was that due to the GDAL binding issue?

eeholmes commented 5 months ago
list.of.packages <- c("ncdf4", "httr","plyr","lubridate", "parsedate", "rerddap","plotdap",
                      "rerddapXtracto", "maps", "mapdata","RColorBrewer",
                      "openair","cmocean", "terra")
eeholmes commented 5 months ago

Also, arg, the install.packages used the latest versions in posit packagemanager rather than 'seeing that we had an older version of R when we used rocker/geospatial:4.2.2

cboettig commented 5 months ago

right, none of the R packages (sf, terra, gdalcubes) that bind the system OSGeo C++ libraries (the GDAL, PROJ, and GEOS libraries) can be successfully installed without those system libraries being installed either from apt get (e.g. using /rocker_scripts/ or from source (with the dev scripts).

Also, install2.r cannot install packages that are no longer on CRAN, like rgdal. However, this won't throw a hard error that breaks the build unless you tell it to do so (using the --error flag).

cboettig commented 5 months ago

Also, arg, the install.packages used the latest versions in posit packagemanager rather than 'seeing that we had an older version of R when we used rocker/geospatial:4.2.2

whenever you use the latest tag of a rocker image, installs default to pulling the latest version of packages. If you use a previous release, (e.g. like rocker/geospatial:4.3.2), versions will be locked to the versions that was on CRAN on the latest day that release was still current (i.e. 2024-02-29). Of course it's possible to request specific versions independently of this convention, e.g. with renv or install_version, but date-pinning is probably the simplest and also closest to the CRAN-view of a self-consistent environment.

eeholmes commented 5 months ago

We are not using the latest tag. We are using rocker/geospatial:4.2 (because we are using the Openscapes image at the moment)

That uses

But I can see from the GitHub Actions log that when it gets to install.R, it uses /jammy/2024-03-21 so "current" date. So for the time being I spec the repo in install.R. Yes, I know a bunch of these already are in rocker/geospatial. just didn't want to go digging to figure out what packages are in rocker/geospatial.

repo <- ""
list.of.packages <- c("ncdf4", "httr", "plyr", "lubridate", "parsedate", "rerddap",
                      "maps", "mapdata", "RColorBrewer",
                      "ggplot2","scales", "dplyr", "RCurl", "raster", "colorRamps",
                      "parsedate", "sp", "sf", "reshape2", "jsonlite",
                      "gridGraphics", "PBSmapping", "date", "viridis",
                      "openair","cmocean", "terra",
                      "plotdap", "rerddapXtracto", "rgdal")
install.packages(list.of.packages, repos=repo)
eeholmes commented 5 months ago

Also thanks for the info re how to properly add geospatial packages! I am learning as I go with the rocker images. I will fix the image to work with FROM later but right now we have a workshop in 4 hours so need to get something stable working. The idea with using devcontainer here is that I want to add a Codespaces (and binder) button.

cboettig commented 5 months ago

re the version issue -- ah weird. yup, setting the repo to your preferred snapshot date is great. Still weird that it got latest images without that, can you link me to the logs? I don' t see any R packages being pulled in

eeholmes commented 5 months ago

It is here:

But if I had used rocker/geospatial:4.2 as the base, it will grab the right repo (same as that in geospatial:4.2) but instead I am using openscapes/rocker which is based on rocker/geospatial:4.2. In this case, it is not recognizing the repo used in the base image.

Obviously this is user error, but I am not sure what I need to do to make install.R use the right repo besides hard coding in the repo. What I want is for it to use the env variable CRAN...