eevee / floof

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wtforms has some rough edges #89

Open eevee opened 11 years ago

eevee commented 11 years ago

Whatever I'll just paste from the old ticket:

WTForms is so close to the form library I want, but its developers are a bit insane and it has propagated to the architecture. This ticket is probably a crossover with veekun as well, but I happened to be working on floof when I felt like filing it.

Some specific problems:

  • Fields render with id="field_name" by default. This is just completely unacceptable. The suggested solutions are either giving the form (and thus every field name, and thus every id) a prefix, or creating trivial subclasses of virtually every widget and field class in wtforms.
  • There are up to half a dozen different places that a field can get its data. In all but the most trivial cases, you have to deal with them all yourself; wtforms doesn't help deal with this at all. You have to override process() entirely, which includes an awful lot of boilerplate that will mostly remain the same.
  • There's a bit of a disconnect between a lot of wtforms's parts. An admirable goal, but it results in some wacky bugs like this and this which require clunky hacky workarounds.

So. Do we suck it up? Rise up as one and get the maintainers to bend to our whims? Fork wtforms and give it a witty name like wtfork?