eevee / isaacs-descent

Isaac's Descent HD Remix, a puzzle platformer for LÖVE
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Controls feel wonky. #1

Open doyousketch2 opened 7 years ago

doyousketch2 commented 7 years ago

I knew you did sprite stuff, I didn't know you were into code as well. Kivy for Python is frustrating, so I've been looking into Love2D for making apps instead.

When I saw this repo, I had to laugh, 'cuz that's my bro's name. Anyway, these were my notes while I ran through the game.

lvl 3: changed gravity to 608 instead of 768 /klinklang/actors/base.lua:199 local gravity = Vector(0, 608)

'cuz there's a gap where you hit your head if you try to jump across. jump first, wait 'till on land again, then run/fall across gap.

lvl 7-10: need book to get across?

I was just changing game.map_index in main.lua: 145 to get to the next level, because there's no level exit yet, so it didn't know that I found the book in lvl 5...

Speaking of the book, I don't like the controls.

You shouldn't have to switch to levitate then invoke/revoke. That's too complicated. Q should just cast spell, then it runs out in 3 seconds.

The book icon could highlight under/beside the staff while it's in effect.

Also, E as both set & recall sux. I tap E as I'm falling to my death, expecting to zip back to the recall point. Instead, it sets the spell in the spikes. This isn't fun, it's frustrating.

Space key would feel better to interact with objects & set staff points. E is fine as recall this way.

Up key should be jump.

I realize it's not done yet, so it's not a biggie.

Just letting you know what I thought. Plus twitter's too tiny for feedback.

eevee commented 7 years ago

Hey, thanks for playing!

The controls are pretty indefensible, I know — they're a fairly straight port from the original PICO-8 game, which only has two buttons and a d-pad.

I've thought about marking maps with the progress you're expected to have made by the time you get there, so it's possible to skip to a map after you get the book and you'll be given it automatically.

Which button to use for jump seems to be controversial! I've had people explicitly object to using up for jump, because it makes jumping while moving very difficult on an actual controller.

I'll definitely play around with the controls once I figure out all the mechanics.

doyousketch2 commented 7 years ago

Your orig Pico8 ver is easier 'cuz you don't have to bounce from space to Q & E.

My kid showed me some Pico8 stuff. He was wowed by it. I didn't get the appeal. I just thought it was gimmicky, could do better on my C64, and that's 35 year old tech.

Why'd the Pico dev's only include 2 buttons? I don't recall actual hardware for it, which confused me. Tamagotchi, perhaps? GameBoy? Those had Start/Select...

Do they give you the option to smash 2 keys down to get an effect? Z & X at the same time = change spell, for instance?

I'd think so. It's been a doz' years since I've done any Lua tho. So I dunno what the constraints are, if they're specific to the language, or the libraries. The speed is appealing, and the fact that it runs on Android is a plus.

Tried to get my kid into Scratch, but there's not really an Android port for that, so gettin' him to pay attention is squirly. He just wants to go back to his tablet.

Love2D on the other hand is cross-compatible, so I'm diggin' it. Not too thrilled with the fact that they break compatibility with every revision tho.

Thinking of making a script that would convert old Love2d games into 0.10.2 'prolly do it in Python for now tho, 'cuz I'm better at that than Lua.

Anyway, with Z & X your fingers are level with the arrow keys; feels planned. Q & E are like WASD was gonna be used, then abandoned for arrows.