eexit / ghost-storage-cloudinary

:rocket: A fully-featured and deeply tested Cloudinary Ghost storage adapter
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Possibility to specify the fetch flags AFTER upload #97

Closed cthulu closed 3 years ago

cthulu commented 4 years ago


I'm curious if there is a way to specify the fetch flags once the images are uploaded and a post is saved. It currently saves the fetch options that just generates ULR which cannot be changed unless the image is re-added again.

I am building a custom theme and using for rather smaller feature images to display a grid on the index, and when in the post is rendered then you can click on the smaller thumb and get a full screen image. Ideally I'd like to upload a full-quality asset to Cloudinary (via Ghost) and in my theme somehow specify the requested size (Cloudinary will do the rest).

It needs to happen in the theme - in HBS - in order to serve small image where it needs to be. I know this is more of a role for CMS and Ghost is not really excelling here.

I was thinking -- if this storage provider registered a Handlebars helper like cloudinary <<Cloudinary params here>> imgUrl then as someone creating a custom theme on your Ghost with this storage adapter you could use that to actually have HTML with for example resized (smaller) images if you wanted to.

cthulu commented 4 years ago

One workaround I've found was that thanks to the theme I am developing I could use downscale to 600px width of all my images and use a bit of js to tweak the src of the ones I needed the full resolution (like galleries)

I've specified the fetch options to request the named transformation and for existing posts I've exported them as Json, updated the path and reimported.

It's far from ideal but from what I can see there is no such option to do it nicely in ghost.