ef-labs / stash-hook-mirror

An Atlassian Stash repository hook for mirroring to one or more remote git repositories.
MIT License
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Unable to enable hook #14

Closed temp closed 10 years ago

temp commented 10 years ago

When I want to enable/configure the plugin, I only get an empty modal window with a spinning loading indictor, nothing else happens.

Looking into chromes dev console, I found several requests that resulted in a 404.

Examples: https:///stash/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/deDE-1988229788/908f9ba/77/3588e7a34f448dcf2e8928abe3d82cc9//download/contextbatch/css/com.englishtown.stash-hook-mirror:mirror-repository-hook-config-form

https:///stash/projects//repos//settings/... .../-stash.layout.repository/batch.css .../-atl.general .../-stash.layout.base .../-stash.page.repository.settings.hooks .../-stash.layout.entity

Installation from UPM worked like a charm. Looked into the logs, but didn't find anything related. Stash version is 2.6.3

adrianluisgonzalez commented 10 years ago

Thanks for giving some details on this, someone else mentioned this problem in the Atlassian Marketplace without providing any information.

I think there is a problem with the plugin handling localization correctly. After upgrading to the latest version of Stash I am also seeing this problem. I will try to have a new version ASAP.

adrianluisgonzalez commented 10 years ago

After some trial and error, the problem is caused by the css file returning 404, the actual batch.js file correctly returns the merged soy template plus the external js file from the static resources directory.

adrianluisgonzalez commented 10 years ago

Released version 1.6.0 to the Atlassian Marketplace.

temp commented 10 years ago

Works fine now, thanks!