It is a bit of a pain having to explicitly define the binder name for each verticle in the json deployment config, when I imagine most users have the same binder for each verticle deployment?
Also it creates a confusing error when the binder is not set:
"Guice bootstrap binder class com.englishtown.vertx.guice.BootstrapBinder was not found. Are you missing injection bindings?"
This should at most result in a warning because you may intentionally be using just a parent injector.
Please can we add a setter for it the binder in the verticle factory then pass it to the loader.
It is a bit of a pain having to explicitly define the binder name for each verticle in the json deployment config, when I imagine most users have the same binder for each verticle deployment?
Also it creates a confusing error when the binder is not set:
"Guice bootstrap binder class com.englishtown.vertx.guice.BootstrapBinder was not found. Are you missing injection bindings?"
This should at most result in a warning because you may intentionally be using just a parent injector.
Please can we add a setter for it the binder in the verticle factory then pass it to the loader.