Hi, I'm following up on the discussion created at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/vertx/p-ZcfEy6Sp0
Currently, when deploying more than one Verticle, an Injector is created for each Verticle. That means that singletons are Verticle-scoped. I created an option to have one global Injector, in case you have Threadsafe-Singleton-Objects which can be shared across Verticles (e.g. Connection Pools).
I provided also an integration test.
Commit 3c9e04a8ac925e8b64c14abedc66a0b226039ba7 allows specifying a parent injector on the GuiceVerticleFactory which allows singletons across Verticles.
Hi, I'm following up on the discussion created at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/vertx/p-ZcfEy6Sp0 Currently, when deploying more than one Verticle, an Injector is created for each Verticle. That means that singletons are Verticle-scoped. I created an option to have one global Injector, in case you have Threadsafe-Singleton-Objects which can be shared across Verticles (e.g. Connection Pools). I provided also an integration test.