ef4 / ember-code-snippet

An Ember component for rendering pretty code snippets.
MIT License
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Code snippet with name 'select.sparql' not found #76

Open Youssef-98 opened 3 years ago

Youssef-98 commented 3 years ago

As the title says, it seems it can't find my sql or sparql files. If I change it to a js file, it works perfectly fine. I change the comment format to the corresponding language as well. Do these types not get supported?

I have a directory snippets in my root with a file select.sparql and looks like this: ``` # BEGIN-SNIPPET select PREFIX ext: http://mu.semte.ch/vocabularies/ext/ PREFIX schema: http://schema.org/

SELECT ?book ?bookTitle { GRAPH http://mu.semte.ch/application { ?book a schema:Book. ?book schema:title ?bookTitle. } } # END-SNIPPET ```

Youssef-98 commented 3 years ago

Maybe I have to add snippetRegexes to customize the search for the comments BEGIN-SNIPPET and END-SNIPPET?