efabless / caravel-gf180mcu

This repository is the GF180MCU port of Caravel. For more information about Caravel, see the original repo at https://github.com/efabless/caravel.
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 8 forks source link

`chip_io` DEF has floating pins #132

Closed passant5 closed 1 year ago

passant5 commented 1 year ago

Pins: IE, OE, PAD, PD, PDRV0, PDRV1, PU, SL, Y are floating for all pads in the DEF view even though most of them have connections in the layout


chip_io.def: line 4688
   - flash_clk_pad/Y ( flash_clk_pad Y ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/OE ( flash_clk_pad OE ) ;
   - flash_clk_core ( PIN flash_clk_core ) ( flash_clk_pad A )
      + ROUTED Metal2 TAPERRULE Metal2_width_152  ( 787836 139848 ) ( * 140400 ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/SL ( flash_clk_pad SL ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/IE ( flash_clk_pad IE ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/PD ( flash_clk_pad PD ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/PDRV1 ( flash_clk_pad PDRV1 ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/PDRV0 ( flash_clk_pad PDRV0 ) ;
   - flash_clk_pad/PU ( flash_clk_pad PU ) ;
