efabless / caravel_user_project

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How to stop the RTL-counter_wb test failing on tag = 2024.09.12-1 #375

Open JamesTimothyMeech opened 1 week ago

JamesTimothyMeech commented 1 week ago

When I run make cocotb-verify-all-rtl in the top level of a clean install of caravel_user_project after checking out tag = 2024.09.12-1 I get this error:

Test: RTL-counter_la_clk has passed
┃ Total                ┃ Passed ┃ Failed        ┃ Unknown       ┃ duration   ┃        ┃            ┃                       
│ 4                    │ 3      │ 1             │ 0             │ 0:01:19.68 │        │            │                       
│                      │        │               │               │            │        │            │                       
│ Test                 │ status │ start         │ end           │ duration   │ p/f    │ seed       │                       
│ RTL-counter_la       │ done   │ 16:40:42(Fri) │ 16:41:06(Fri) │ 0:00:23.53 │ passed │ 1726242045 │                       
│ RTL-counter_wb       │ done   │ 16:41:06(Fri) │ 16:41:16(Fri) │ 0:00:09.77 │ failed │ 1726242067 │                       
│ RTL-counter_la_reset │ done   │ 16:41:16(Fri) │ 16:41:38(Fri) │ 0:00:22.78 │ passed │ 1726242077 │                       
│ RTL-counter_la_clk   │ done   │ 16:41:38(Fri) │ 16:42:02(Fri) │ 0:00:23.54 │ passed │ 1726242100 │                       

How can I fix this?

It is not clear to me what commands to run to satisfy step five of the instructions here: https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project/blob/main/docs/source/index.md

How do I "Update rtl/gl/gl+sdf files in verilog/includes/includes.<rtl/gl/gl+sdf>.caravel_user_project." and where should I run "Run gen_gpio_defaults.py script to generate caravel_core.v." and what arguments should I use?

JamesTimothyMeech commented 1 week ago

In addition, when I attempt to run the gate level tests using make cocotb-verify-all-gl after running make user_proj_example and then make user_project_wrapper all of the gate level tests fail:

┃ Total               ┃ Passed ┃ Failed        ┃ Unknown       ┃ duration   ┃        ┃         ┃
│ 4                   │ 0      │ 4             │ 0             │ 0:00:12.19 │        │         │
│                     │        │               │               │            │        │         │
│ Test                │ status │ start         │ end           │ duration   │ p/f    │ seed    │
│ GL-counter_wb       │ done   │ 16:50:06(Fri) │ 16:50:09(Fri) │ 0:00:03.01 │ failed │ unknown │
│ GL-counter_la       │ done   │ 16:50:09(Fri) │ 16:50:12(Fri) │ 0:00:03.03 │ failed │ unknown │
│ GL-counter_la_reset │ done   │ 16:50:12(Fri) │ 16:50:15(Fri) │ 0:00:03.01 │ failed │ unknown │
│ GL-counter_la_clk   │ done   │ 16:50:15(Fri) │ 16:50:18(Fri) │ 0:00:02.96 │ failed │ unknown │

I am posting this as I comment because I believe the test failures could be related to me not understanding step 5 of the instructions: https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project/blob/main/docs/source/index.md

mattvenn commented 6 days ago

RE the first issue, the timeout is set too short.


I will leave the issue open until the timeout is fixed in the source.

RE the step5, you don't need to do this unless you are integrating a new IP into Caravel.

RE the GL tests - I don't know what the reason is.