efabless / openlane2

The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture
Apache License 2.0
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Synthesis Exploration dead lock #467

Open EpSilicon opened 1 month ago

EpSilicon commented 1 month ago

Hello The Synthesis Exploration flow in Openlane v2.0.4 seems to be stuck at DELAY 3.

RTL is: `module comp32( a, b, clk, z);

input [31:0] a, b; //define inputs and outputs input clk; output z;

reg z;

always @ (posedge clk) begin if (a > b) z <= 1'b1; else z <= 1'b0; end endmodule`

and config.json is: { "DESIGN_NAME": "comp32", "PDK": "sky130A", "STD_CELL_LIBRARY": "sky130_fd_sc_hd", "VERILOG_FILES": "dir::src/*.v", "CLOCK_PORT": "clk", "CLOCK_PERIOD": 25 } Is there something wrong here?

Thanks and regards, Erwann

donn commented 1 month ago

Hi @EpSilicon -- could just be a Yosys bug.

Could I ask you to use the issue template please? It helps us address these issues as we're lacking critical information (including your platform, your method of installation, etc.)