efabless / openlane2

The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture
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Point to the report file of Checker.YosysSynthChecks #480

Open kareefardi opened 1 month ago

kareefardi commented 1 month ago


Checker.YosysSynthChecks reports errors on synthesis__check_error__count. However, there is nothing pointing towards the errors themselves and where are they located.


Point to the report file relating to the error.

donn commented 1 month ago

I don't think this will work given the cardinal rule of OpenLane 2 which is "steps should not be looking in other step's folders on their own"

kareefardi commented 1 month ago

It isn't a requirement that it point to the exact file. The current solution gives no indication to even where to look for checks errors except that both are called yosys. Some renames to the report file path would be a better start rather than what we have.

KelvinChung2000 commented 3 weeks ago

Such a change will be helpful. Also, the error message should also indicate a warning (e.g., a wire is used but has no driver), which is also classified as an error.