efabless / openlane2

The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture
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clarify the meaning of a views and DesignFormat in the architectural overview #485

Open maliberty opened 4 weeks ago

maliberty commented 4 weeks ago


It is confusing that in https://openlane2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/architecture.html

A openlane.steps.State is a snapshot of paths to views at any point in time, in dictionary form.
Keys must be of the type openlane.steps.DesignFormat

mentions views without ever defining what a view is. Likewise DesignFormat.


Define views and DesignFormat before using those terms. Also those terms are not links in the docs while other terms are.

donn commented 4 weeks ago

I think they used to be links but broke when I created a dedicated submodule for state-- will have to track down why it didn't warn about that