efabless / openlane2

The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture
Apache License 2.0
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Linter issues #492

Open Gazza-USA opened 1 week ago

Gazza-USA commented 1 week ago


When using Verilog typically propagation delays are modeled for correct timing in the simulations. For example:

always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)
    if(!rst_n) begin
        d<= #1 'b0;
        d2<= #1 'b0;
    else begin
        d2<= #1 in;  // in-> d2 -> d=out
        d <= #1 d2;

As you can see the inertial delay is modeled and is pretty much a standard technique for system simulations.

When running openlane, the Linter bails out stating this is an error. The current workaround is to add a directive into the code (which stops code portability). Eg this pragma is added to the code at the beginning:

/*verilator timing_off*/

This solves the issue but is an ugly fix.


I suggest there be a way of passing command-line arguments to all of the tools. In this example the config.json line would be:

"LINTER_CMD_LINE_ARGS": " --no-timing"

A set of xxxx_CMD_LINE_ARGS could be added to all the tools and this would provide maximum flexibility. For instance one may like to add placement arguments to OpenROAD, etc. This would be a great way of doing this.