eface2face / rtcninja.js

WebRTC library to make media management easier across different browsers.
MIT License
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problem with parsing SDP #35

Closed scgm11 closed 7 years ago

scgm11 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure is an rtcninja bug but Im getting

VM368:15 rtcninja:ERROR:RTCPeerConnection setRemoteDescription() | error: +1ms DOMException: Failed to parse SessionDescription. a=fmtp:111 Expects at least 2 fields.

seems like the new opus_codec by digium is using only fmtp and no other argument as the OS one.

Example: New: a=fmtp:111 OS: a=fmtp:111 useinbandfec=1

is this an error on the generated SDP? o is ok to have one field for that?


ibc commented 7 years ago

a=fmtp:111 is useless, it says nothing. If a SDP media section includes a a=fmtp line it is supposed to come with, at least, a key/value property into it.

It is the browser's native setRemoteDescription() method the one raising such an error. rtcninja has nothing to do in here.

Please, report to Asterisk project.

jcolp commented 7 years ago

@scgm11 I've created https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-26520 to track this. Can you attach your configuration and the full signaling so we can determine what is going on?