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Swagger UI not working anymore #46

Open callisto-cloud opened 1 month ago

callisto-cloud commented 1 month ago

/home/uwe/projects/visual_analytics/backend/api/serializers.py: Error [EventViewSet > EventSerializer]: could not resolve model field "api.Event.time". Failed to resolve through serializer_field_mapping, get_internal_type(), or any override mechanism. Defaulting to "string"

Error might be related to the usage of postgres fields.

A fix by chatgpt could be:

The error you're encountering seems related to Django's Swagger documentation (such as drf-yasg or django-rest-swagger) not being able to correctly resolve or understand the DateTimeRangeField from PostgreSQL in your EventSerializer. Swagger has a hard time interpreting custom or less-common fields like PostgreSQL-specific fields such as DateTimeRangeField.

Here's how to address this issue:

  1. Custom Field Mapping for Swagger

You can explicitly map the DateTimeRangeField to a Swagger-compatible type by overriding how Swagger represents this field. You can do this by defining a custom field in the serializer or by providing a manual mapping in the Swagger settings. Option A: Override the Field in Serializer

If you're using DateTimeRangeField, you can represent it as a custom serializer field that translates it to something Swagger can understand, like two DateTimeFields for lower and upper.


from rest_framework import serializers

class EventSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): start_time = serializers.DateTimeField(source='time.lower') end_time = serializers.DateTimeField(source='time.upper')

class Meta:
    model = Event
    fields = ['start_time', 'end_time', ...]  # Add other fields here

In this example, you’re splitting the DateTimeRangeField into two DateTimeFields, which Swagger will be able to represent correctly. Option B: Override the Field in Swagger Settings

Alternatively, you can tell Swagger how to represent this field globally in your Swagger settings.

If you're using drf-yasg, you can add a mapping in your settings.py:


from drf_yasg import openapi from drf_yasg.inspectors import FieldInspector

Your custom mapping

FIELD_INSPECTORS = [ 'path.to.your.CustomFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ModelFieldInspector', 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector', ]


other swagger settings


Then, create the custom field inspector:


from drf_yasg.inspectors import FieldInspector

class CustomFieldInspector(FieldInspector): def process_result(self, result, method_name, obj, **kwargs): if result is not None: return result

    if isinstance(obj, YourDateTimeRangeField):  # Replace with your field
        return openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_OBJECT, properties={
            'start': openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, format=openapi.FORMAT_DATETIME),
            'end': openapi.Schema(type=openapi.TYPE_STRING, format=openapi.FORMAT_DATETIME)

    return None

This will tell Swagger to treat your DateTimeRangeField as an object with two date-time fields: start and end.

  1. Check drf-yasg Compatibility

If you're using drf-yasg, ensure that you're using a recent version that supports customization. If it still doesn't resolve the DateTimeRangeField properly, custom field mappings or overriding are required as explained above.

  1. Testing the Fix

After applying one of the solutions above, restart your Django server and check the Swagger UI again. The DateTimeRangeField should now be correctly represented, and you should no longer see the string fallback or errors for that field. Summary:

Option A: Override the DateTimeRangeField in the serializer to split it into two DateTimeFields.
Option B: Add a custom field inspector or field mapping for Swagger in your Django project settings.

Let me know if any of these solutions work or if you need further clarification!